PE People was founded to assist Primary & Secondary schools to cover their absences within Physical Education. We understand how important PE is to children and are passionate about making sure children never miss a PE lesson.
We work with local schools to provide essential cover for Mornings, Afternoons or Full Days.
Our team is made up with experienced staff who train, educate and assist all of our staff in becoming the best educator possible for young people. Our staff are passionate about providing the best physical education we can for Children and are passionate about career development.
In line with our partnership business we are passionate about saving local schools money on their supply. We pay all of our staff excellent pay rates, alongside offering schools reduced charge rates to enable schools to invest as much money back into education as possible.
Copyright © 2022 Essex Education Consultancy Services TRading as PE PEOPLE - All Rights Reserved.
Whether you are looking for a new role or a new staff member to join your team, we can help!