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Over 10 years’ working in education recruitment, we have always firmly believed there should be a middle point between the local staff and schools which do not work off a profit on a person-by-person basis.
We work purely on the premise to assist schools with their own recruitment and review ways in which we can assist them into being self-functioning without having significant agency spend. We believe in promoting different recruitment practices and over time show schools they do not have any need to solely rely on agencies if the recruitment process is managed more efficiently.
We review a number of things including advertising spend, agency spend & staff time to find them the best staff available and review every CV which gets sent to the school.
Our Flat Fee % recruitment service is purely based on the number of hires a school makes whilst using our recruitment process. From placement 1 the school will save a minimum over £1,000 based on average recruitment margins to be re-allocated into their school.
There is no catch, if you no longer wish to use our services they will automatically cease at the end of our contract. We are of course confident that in the short term we will demonstrate the significant savings made by using our services and you will choose to renew the contract on an annual basis.
We will offer a support period of 1 year for any questions and are always happy to help with any additional queries. We work on longevity and will work with schools across the county in order to help as many young people as by saving you money and allowing you to retain as money in the education system as possible.
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Whether you are looking for a new role or a new staff member to join your team, we can help!